Jumat, 25 November 2011


Ditulis oleh : Helen Marta
Pernah mendengar kata 'seleksi alam' ? Apakah hal itu terjadi di area hutan? atau terjadi di area pedesaan yang notabene biasanya berhubungan dengan alam? Aku rasa tidak. Seleksi alam bukan lah hal yang berhubungan dengan alam yang hijau, rumput dan gunung saja. Melainkan, seleksi alam adalah sebuah proses yang terjadi pada diri antar individu atau antar kelompok yang berhubungan dengan adanya rasa nyaman, aman dan bahagia yang dirasakan oleh manusia itu sendiri. Itu menurutku. Setiap manusia pasti mengalami seleksi alam karena mereka merasakan hal yang berbeda. Ada banyak faktor yang memicu adanya seleksi alam tersebut.
Faktor yang pertama adalah faktor kenyamanan dalam bersosialisasi. Biasanya, hal ini sering terjadi dalam lingkup pertemanan dan lingkungan kerja atau kantor. Seseorang akan berusaha mencari teman atau relasi baru pada lingkungan barunya, entah itu lingkungan kantor atau sekolah. Pada mulanya, dia akan mencoba untuk menyesuaikan diri dan berusaha menjadi orang yang baik untuk teman barunya tersebut dan lain-lain. Tapi, dalam proses penyesuaian itu, tidak semua orang berhasil dengan sukses. Kebanyakan dari mereka merasa ketidaknyamanan dalam menjalin hubungan persahabatan mereka. Misalnya, karena mereka merasa tidak terjalinnya chemistry yang baik diantara mereka atau karena perbedaan sifat yang sangat menonjol dan dianggap sangat mengganggu. Hal ini memang sangat rentan terjadi dalam sebuah hubungan persahabatan yang akhirnya memunculkan sekelsi alam tersebut. Orang tersebut lambat lalun akan menghindar dan mencari rasa nyamannya dengan orang lain. Inilah yang terkadang memunculkan sebuah perkumpulan yang disebut GENG. Geng ini lah yang terkadang dinilai kurang baik di masyarakat, karena geng selalu di identifikasikan dengan rasa sok hebat yang ada dalam diri manusia.
Faktor lain yang mempengaruhi seleksi alam tersebut adalah karena sebuah kekecewaan yang mengakibatkan kerugian lahir atau batin dari salah satu pihak. Misalnya, ada sebuah hubungan persahabatan dimana pihak A melakukan penghianatan terhadap pihak B dengan cara membohonginya atau menusuknya dari belakang. Sedangkan akhirnya pihak B mengetahuinya dal terjadi lah lagi sekeksi alam tersebut. Pihak B akan sangat merasa dirugikan, kemudian dia akhirnya melepaskan diri dari hubungann persahabatan yang tidak sehat itu.
Sama halnya ketika terjadi sebuah pemanfaatan teman yang berlebih. Memanfaatkan teman dengan cara berbuat baik karena membutuhkan dan berbuat cuek ketika tidak sedang membutuhkan. Hal ini pun akan menjadi hal yang benar-benar menghancurkan perasaan seseorang. Memanfaatkan teman sendiri adalah perbuatan yang akan membunculkan seleksi alam juga.
Disamping faktor-faktor diatas, faktor kebebasan adalah faktor yang paling utama. Manusia cenderung akan mengikuti kata hatinya atau akan lebih bahagia jika mereka melakukan apa yang mereka inginkan. Sebuah hubungan yang baik adalah hubungan yang menguntungkan. Tidak adanya sikap keterkekangan, keterbatasan bereksplorasi dan tidak adanya sikap canggung akan menar-benar meminimalisir proses seleksi alam tersebut. Bebas menjadi diri sendirilah yang sangat diharapkan dalam proses keberlangsungan hidup manisia selanjutnya.
Jadi, kita harus berfikir lebih luas bahwa seleksi alam adalah kegiatan alam yang memang pasti sedang dan akan berlangsung. Alam mempunyai aturan nya sendiri, yang selalu berjalan seiring waktu sampai Tuhan menghentikannya. Seleksi alam pasti akan terkadi dalam diri setiap manusia. Seleksi alam tersebut akan menjadi buruk dan dipandang sebelah mata jika kita tidak mau mengerti atau memahaminya. Tapi proses seleksi alam akan terasa indahnya jika manusia mau berfikir bahwa kebebasan adalah segalanya dan kenyamanan dalam melengkapi hidup adalah surga.

Kamis, 20 Oktober 2011

orang yang megatakan bahwa seseorang lain SEMPURNA, adalah orang yang tidak mengenal orang lain tersebut dengan baik, karena sesungguhnya tak ada seorang pun di dunia ini yang sempurna.. -HMS-
· · 2 minutes ago

tidak terdefinisi

by Helen Marta on Tuesday, October 18, 2011 at 11:07pm

aku berdiri di antara angin

ingin membenci awan yang tak dapat ku singkirkan..
aku terlalu mencintai senyumnya
karena dia yang menemaniku saat daun-daun itu terbang..

ketika aku merasa menghadang rintangan sendiri,
melindungi ciptaan dari marahnya Tuhan..
tapi ini kecewaku, sendiri..
bukan siapa-siapa..
cita ku untuk membuat ciptaan itu terpandang,
tapi mereka tak bergairah..
mengepalkan tangan dan bercengkrama, disetiap warna..
dengan tidak memandang aku di tengah mereka..
akankah selamanya berdiri disini tersenyum melihat tawa??
akankah aku mengikhlaskan cinta ku demi tawa mereka??

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Article                    : One Benefit of Monolingual Dictionaries in the Writing Classroom
The writer              : Randall Martin
The one benefit of monolingual dictionaries in the writing classroom’s article is an academic essay. The writer explained about some facts that he had found when he worked at two different language schools. In which, the administrators had an unwritten policy of banning bilingual dictionaries from the classroom. The essay is educational and intellectual enough for the readers. The writer conducted a research about the benefit of using monolingual dictionaries in writing class. He also gave some proves to the reader about the survey. The contents of the writing were also in good order. For example, he decided who would help his survey, then he conducted the research, and then described about the result. Next, the writer gave his own opinion and continued by giving conclusion. Using formal language is also done by the writer well. Therefore, it makes the essay looked academic.
After the writer conducted and finished his research about the one benefit of monolingual dictionaries in the writing classroom, the writer elaborated the result by giving explanation about the topics. Next, he analyzed the topic by giving some proves in thesis statements. For example in the first paragraph, he had a topic “the advantage of monolingual dictionaries over bilingual dictionaries.” Some of the thesis statements are “I come to agree with the policy and believe that bilingual dictionaries are more of a hindrance-at least to intermediate or advance students-than a help to second language learners”, “I found new studies to prove any advantage of using monolingual dictionaries” and “it points to at least one area in which monolingual dictionaries are more helpful than bilingual dictionaries as it is based on the hypothesis that training in the use of monolingual dictionaries will improve students’ ability to write, specifically to create acceptable written English when dealing with transitive and intransitive verbs”. Then, after he created a hypothesis, the next step was he conducted the research with twenty native Chinese speakers studying at the University of Central
Oklahoma as the sample. The writer developed his research by explaining the facts and his conclusion about the topic research.
            In the survey, the writer wrote clearly the percentage of the result. For example, “eighty-five percent said they seldom or never used one of dictionaries”, “eighty percent also said that they did not own an English-English dictionary”, etc. the explanation made the reader understand the research easily. The writer also attached the table about Number of times the translating dictionary was consulted and results of those times (group 1) and (group 2).
After Randall showed the tables and the result, he clarified his writing with the conclusion in the last paragraphs. He also added a quote from McCarty 1990. “McCarthy suggested that bilingual dictionaries are important, but they are also limited tools. Given the fact that a group of learners with a lower average TOEFL score used verbs correctly a higher percentage of the time when using a monolingual dictionary than those who used a bilingual dictionary.”
In references part, the writer attached the source that he used for improving the fact in the research. The sources also helped him to make the writing accurate enough. So, the One Benefit of Monolingual Dictionaries in the Writing Classroom’s article is an academic writing because it was elaborated in order and has the elements of academic writing.

Sabtu, 17 September 2011

BEM FKIP UNIVERSITAS SANATA DHARMA 2010-2011, Sedikit senyum tapi berribu rasa..
tawa dalam keseriusan..

bersama dalan multikultural..
berbeda budaya, berbeda segala tapi tetap satu SANATA DHARMA.

Jumat, 16 September 2011

If we cannot to be like water

If we cannot to be like water

If we cannot to be like water, that can place our self in every moment,

Just be like tears, which can make us better, and can make us aware something that have happened will not happened twice with the all same.
And we need the tears to prove that respecting life and wasting life is the same thing.
Both of them give us lesson about the process of leading to mature; both of them are the things that we feel in our deepest heart.
However, it still has the differences. The differences lies in how these two things make us happy or sad, how these two things make us realize that life is something that cannot be repeated?

If we cannot to be like water, that can place our self in every moment,
Just be like tears, which can make us better, and can make us aware something that have happened will not happened twice with the all same.
And we need the tears to prove that respecting life and wasting life is the same thing.
Both of them give us lesson about the process of leading to mature; both of them are the things that we feel in our deepest heart.
However, it still has the differences. The differences lies in how these two things make us happy or sad, how these two things make us realize that life is something that cannot be repeated?

Kamis, 04 Agustus 2011

Salah kaprah mengenai makna kesempatan

by Helen Marta on Sunday, April 3, 2011 at 7:01am

Selagi manusia menyebut tentang kesempatan, sebenarnya, apa yang manusia itu maksudkan?
Kesempatan yang mana? Dalam hal apa?
Karena kita hidup dalam waktu yang panjang..
Dan segala kesempatan pasti akan datang berulang ulang, tanpa sadar,tanpa rencana..
Berusaha hati hati dalam berucap..
Kesempatan akan datang 1x pada sebuah masalah atau hal..
Terkadang 2 kesempatan pun akan muncul dalam hal yang sama.
Tapi, BerJUTA JUTA KESEMPATAN AKAN SELALU DATANG dalam hidup, karena kita hidup dalam waktu yang panjang,
dan karena kita hidup dr banyak hal..


Puisi berlogat Tegal = LAKA

by Helen Marta on Thursday, August 4, 2011 at 11:01am

Enyong ngadek neng njero angin,
ngglepakna suwiwi, mbusungna dada..
Mabur ng rona..
Terus kaya kue,ngalir maning..

Dunia du2 urip..
Dunia kue jiwa..
Urip kue jangtunge, sing jedag jedung neng ngisore tangan e Gusti Allah..

Laka sing Tuhan mein,
yen dewek ora brsukur..
Laka sing Tuhan ora jukut,yen dewek ora pada brbagi..

Aku,kowen kro dewek,
nduwe hak nggo milih..
Dadi wong nduwe budi, apa dadi sampah duniawi..
Ora bisa ngmg,kpriben nglakokna urip..
Ora pantes nggrundel kurang2 bae..
Soale,Tuhan sing mein urip..

Rabu, 13 April 2011


oleh Helen Sindrome pada 07 April 2011 jam 14:31

Gada siap dibelukkan di medan peradaban.
urai siap mencambuk mati suci.
Logaritma penggunaan tatkala merintih.
Melawan arah mendayung pesiar.

Kesepuluh jemari bak tameng sang badai.
Menggerus ketakutan, menyilaukan keberanian..
Wayah yang terambar didalam puan.
Melungsut seujung jarum iman.
Terlihat banyak arah di depan, tp tak menentukan..

Itu butuh kita.
Berjalan akan memundurkan mereka,
brlaripun akan meldnyapkn masa..

Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

Kau Biadab

dia adalah seonggok kebiadaban..
yang mencintai berbaris kebiadadaban..
yang mengecapkan sepercik pedang-pedang perbiadaban..

dia memperbiadabkan berlingkar-lingkar kealifan..
mencampur ratakan cinta dan kebiadaban..
yang membusuk menjadi abu-abu berbiadab macam..

dia melakukan segala pembiadaban..
mengarung kerak manusia biadab..
mengalahkan keampuhan Tuhan..

dia adalah nyawa laknat yang berdiri di depan cermin sebuah kehidupan..
yang tertampak oleh berbagai jenis kegigigan iman..

Rabu, 16 Maret 2011


Kau gendong manusia ringkih itu didekat jndela bambu..
Kau suapkan beberapa butir nasi kedalam kerongkongan nya..
Lalu kau dudukan dia didekat kucuran tertadah ember sampah..

Yang dia rasa hanyalah bekunya cipratan air kujan, tak terhangatkan oleh selendang sutra bermotif transparan..
Yang dia rasa hanyalah perih lambung kering tanpa sentuhan..


Pagi pun kau sulam tanpa mentari..

Tak ayal pelukan hangatmu tak senikmat hari kemarin..

Setetes embun tiada bertengger..

Teralir gumpalan hujan melayangkan beningnya..

Tapi kau mudahkan semua..

Kau hangatkan pagi lembabku..

Kau bangunkan aku dari mimpi yang tak pernah terwujud..

Dan kau bungkis segala dengan cinta darahmu..

Senin, 14 Maret 2011

saat berharga ini

Berderas perasaan sakit itu ketika mereka teringat sentuhan lembut milik mereka..
mata tajam pelebur suasana..
senyuman dingin pelebur suasana,.

yang tertera hanyalah rasa menyia-nyiakan, meraja di setiap jiwa..
yang terkuliti hanyalah rasa kesadaran yang terlambat..

Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Aku hidup bergantung pada memori 256 MB

Jejak guntur menyelinap masuk dalam cahaya pandangan mataku..
Melolong diantara guratan telinga tipis ku..
Lalu melungsurkan ku kdalam realita ajaibnya kehidupan..
Termenung aku, merasa tiada sekejap..
Aku berdiri di bumi, tapi aku selalu serasa memeluk langit..
Mata redup ku menyisit objek yang tertangkap..
Tanpa jelas, tanpa arti, tanpa refisi,,

Aku hidup bergantung pada memori 256 MB..
Tidak cukup untuk menyisir Dunia Nyata ataupun Tidak nyata..

Aku hidup bergantung pada memori 256 MB..
Tidak cukup untuk menelaah ciptaan sepanjang masa..

Dan aku akan selalu hidup pada memori 256 MB..
Dan tidak cukup nyali untuk berperang melawan kenaifan manusia..

Tapi aku cukup kenyang pada memori 256 MB..
Yang cukup untuk menggendong anugerah terindah dan melangkah maju menuju waktu..


Aku mencintai waktu..
Waktu telah membantuku menyadari bahwa aku yang dulu duduk dibawah pohon cemara sambil membaca buku dan memakai seragam putih biru, sekarang sudah duduk di kursi nyaman dengan mengenakan Bluse dan sepatu seadal, menghadap LCD dan guru modis yang tak berseragam PNS..
Aku tidak pernah meninggalkan waktu, tapi aku selalu tertinggal oleh waktu..
Dan aku selalu menikmati tubuhnya dengan caraku..

Aku mencintai waktu..
Karna dia telah membuat ku mempunyai banyak penikmat hatiku..

Tapi aku membenci waktu..
Karna aku selalu di paksanya pergi untuk segera menyelesaikan kehidupan ku..
Dia selalu berbisik “ ayo cepat! Kalau tidak kau lakukan sekarang, genggam tangan ku dan kita pergi meninggalkan sesuatu yang tak akan bisa kau selesaikan..!”
Aku membenci waktu..
Karna ketika aku sudah bisa mencintai kelebihan cinta dari sela-selanya, waktu menamparku dan berteriak, “kau tidak akan pernah mendapatkan dia, jika kau hanya membuka sedikit jendela rumahmu, lalu kau hanya duduk memandangi ciptaan-Nya..”
Dan aku sangat membenci waktu..
Aku selalu berusaha memenuhi apa yang dia bisikkan..
Tapi dia tidak pernah mau ku gendong untuk berjalan kebelakang masa lalu..

Aku membenci sesuatu yang harusnya aku syukuri..
Waktu selalu menemaniku dan mendidikku secara militer..

Keras, tepat dan rela di utus-Nya untuk menghbiskan hdup bersama ku..

Aku ingin seperti waktu yang bisa selalu mengatakan,” hidup harus terus maju.. jadi, ayo bersahabat denganku karena aku adalah asisten terbaikmu”.

"HeM_Sa": Live is something that cannot be repeated

"HeM_Sa": Live is something that cannot be repeated


There is a Manor Farm. It is an animal husbandry which Mr. Jones’ have. One day, a pig, the old major, made a meeting among all animal in that farm. He said that he dreamt at last night and all of people had lost. The old major made resuscitation like a demonstration about human being. He made all animal aware that they always be hard done by human. He wants all animal get freedom. Three days latter after that, the old major was died.
At one night, all animal made against to Mr. Jones and the family. They made a rebellion and drive out them from the animal husbandry. After that, Snowball and Napoleon, they are two pigs who have cleverness like the old major, they become the leader there. Snowball was giving a lesson about reading to all animal, but not at all could to read.
Snowball and Napoleon always snatch away the domination for lead the farm. But Napoleon is a sly animal. He did all the way for Snowball, in order that Snowball got a bad reputation. In a meeting, Snowball wants to make a windmill. But Napoleon was accused to Snowball that he stolen Napoleon’s idea. Then, Napoleon gave command to his friends to drive out Snowball from that animal farm and he is the leader.
After the windmill has already built, a tornado was broken down it. But Snowball was accused to Napoleon that Snowball who did it. And then, Napoleon killed Snowball. After tat, napoleon was lead the farm with arbitrarily, but all animal still believe that their condition were better than when Mr. Jones become a leader there.
One day, napoleon made a meeting for pigs and human. People in Foxwood husbandry, gave congratulate to Napoleon because he has many diligent animal besides he always feed them a little food. There are many animal were hearing it. They know that Napoleon had already lied to them. And finally, all animal were aware that nothing different between pig’s face and human’s face.

Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Live is something that cannot be repeated

Making love n breaking love are the same things..

Both of them are the process of leading to mature..

Both of them are the things that we feel in our deepest heart..

However, it still has some differences..

The difference lies in how these two things make us happy and sad.

how these two things make us realize that life is something that can not be repeated.

The legend of my tooth!

In June 15, 2007, I got an accident. It happened when I was in the first grade of Senior High School. The accident had been change my life until now. The accident happened in Karanganyar-Tegal, when I would go to one of Malls in Tegal.
In that hot afternoon at 1 p., the road was so crowded. At that time, I was riding my motorcycle while sent SMS in the road. I used my left hand to sending SMS and I used my right hand to ride my motorcycle. I knew it was not dangerous. However I did it.
Because of that, I concentrated with my handphone too much and I didn’t pay attention about my motor’s way. So, I didn’t know that there was a motorcycle which was bringing two big boxes of fresh vegetables, in front of me. Than, our motorcycle were so close for each other, but I still didn’t know it. After I saw the motorcycle, I was shocked. Next, without thought, I turned my motorcycle to the right side. But I couldn’t control my motorcycle. So, I was flung and fly from my motorcycle. Because of that excellent accident, I got injury on my hand and my front tooth. My front tooth had been broke down and my face look so funny because I was toothless. In that time, I just cried, cried and cried. Many people there tried to make me calm down. Then, one of people there was bringing my motorcycle and me to go to my house.
One day after that at June 16, my parents ordered me to go to the dentist to check and repair my tooth. The dentist said that I had to change my broken tooth with imitation tooth and I hade to wait for one week to get the imitation tooth. So, I had to use masker for one week to close my swollen mouth. In that time, I didn’t believe that my sexy mouth looked so disgusting.
After one week, I got my imitation tooth. It made from porselin. The dentist said that my imitation tooth can’t have good function like the genuie tooth. The effect until now, I can’t to eat something too hot or too hard like stones, apples etc. in that time, I always thought that I was dreaming and I had to wake up for that bad dream. But, the reality, it was real and I wasn’t dreaming.
After that accident, I aware t had it was not good to use handphone when we rode a vehicle. I had to pay attention if I was in the road and I don’t want to do it anymore.

The Queer Story of My Name

The Queer Story of My Name
Hi? My name is Helen Marta Sari. People call me Helen. What do you think about my beautiful name? It is like bule’s (foreigner) name, right? Yeah, some people think like that. I often laughed, if I remembered the great reason why my parents gave me this name. I always felt that the reason was so queer and had no quality. My parents gave me a name spontanly in the hospital, after I was born in this world. The history happened in March 15th, 1992, when my mother was being pregnant.
At 22.00 p.m., mother who was being pregnant, felt stomachache. She felt that her baby, that was me, would be born. My father became didn’t concentrate because he was panic. Then, He searched his helmet because they would go by motorcycle.
But, my mother screamed loudly and said “what are you doing? Why are you looking for the helmet? Let’s go to the hospital!”. “But if we don’t use helmet, we will be under arrest by police, mom!” my father answered. My mother shouted “I don’t care about police!! I care about my baby.. Let’s go!”.
Finally, my father found the helmets and they went to the hospital. After arrived to the hospital, my father became panic until he forgot to open his helmet. He didn’t aware about it. Next, in delivery room, my mother screamed and my father screamed too. He stood beside my mother to give spirit and he still wore his helmet. Then, a cute baby was born. That was me. I was born hardly with extra energy by my mother. After I was born, I didn’t cry. Then, my father brought me and he looked at me.
“Oh my beautiful baby, you look so cute.. why you don’t cry? Come on sweety, please cry loudly!” said my father. He tried to make me crying by shaked my little body. Because he didn’t carefully about what he did, my father’s helmet bumped my head and I cried. “Oh..My baby you like your father’s helmet.”my mother said slowly. “Yeah, you like this helmet. Mom? Would you mind if I give her name, Helen? Because she likes helem.” my father said. “OK! It’s an interesting name!” said my mother with enthusiasm.
See? That is the queer story about my beautiful name. It is foolish. But I like it. Although my name’s story is so queer, I’m not angry with my parents actually my father who banged up me with his helmet. I love my name because there is a story behind it and my name is an interesting name.

My cat, Sapi !!!

Felis Trigis, also known as cat, is a mammal which has four legs and belongs to “Karnivora”. Cat has good sight, especially at night. To protect it self, cat using its claw. There are many kinds of cats. One of them is from Indonesia like my cat. I have three cats in my house. But, I prefer my small cat than the others because it is the cutest. I call it Sapi.
Sapi is a female small cat, which is about 20 cm long and 5-7 cm tall. It has green eyes and the color become shiny black at night. It is so beautiful. Sapi has black and white fur pattern like a cow. That is why I call my cat Sapi. The fur from its ears to its eyes is black. But, it has clean white fur on its face. Sapi’s tail is very long, so it can touch the floor. And the color of its tail is black. One of unique things from Sapi is the fur on its legs. Brown black is covering its four legs like socks.
Sapi likes eating very much. It can eat 4-5 times in a day. Sometimes, it often eats the grass in my front yard. Sapi often does this strange habit. Although Sapi is an animal, it has behavior like a human. Sapi sleeps at night and wakes up in the morning. My father said that Sapy always meows at about 4.30 a.m. in the front door of my house. Sapi stands the tail up and meows to wakes my family up. It always does it every day.
I love Sapi because it has unique things. If I stroke its neck, it always spoiled to me. But, I hated Sapi when it was licking my hands or my legs. I feel that so disgusting. Sometimes, I feel sad to Sapi. Its mother had lost when Sapi was young. But, it is no matter because my family and I will take care of it.

Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Bersih karena bohong.

Bersih karena bohong.
Siang itu, aku sangat kelelahan sepulang kuliah karena dosen yang membosankan dan mata kuliah yang cukup rumit menurutku. Aku yang sedang berjalan kepanasan karena terik matahari, tidak sengaja menjatuhkan kunci kamar kos ku ke dalam tumpukan sampah DAUN KERING yang berserakan di pinggir jalan. Secara spontan aku langsung mencari kunci ku. Aku mengorek-orek tumpukan sampah itu sampai semuanya berhamburan. Pada saat itu, aku seolah-olah melampiaskan kekesalanku atas hari membosankan ku di kampus pada sampah-sampah itu.
Waktu sedang mencari kunci ku, tiba-tiba datang seorang anak SD dengan membawa tas dan botol minuman yang tersampir di punggungnya. Dia menghampiri ku dan mulai bertanya “mbak, kamu lagi ngapain?”
Aku yang sedang mengorek-orek sampah, kaget dan merasa malu karena keadaan muka lusuhku yang seperti gembel. “emm,, aku lagi mbersihin sampah ini dek. Soalnya ngalangin jalan orang yang lewat. Knp dek?” jawabku.
“O gt y mbak.. aku bantu ya mbak, kasian mbak nya sendirian”, ucap anak itu sambil berjongkok dan mulai menyingkirkan kan sampah-sampah itu, lalu membuang nya ke tempat sampah di sekitar tempat itu.
“mskasih ya dek..”, ujarku.
Aku brfikir dan berkata dalam hati, “baik banget ni anak..hmm ya udah deh. Aku cari kunci ku, sekalian aku juga menyingkirkan sampah ini.”
Selama kami membersihkan sampah itu, aku mengajak anak itu mengobrol tentang siapa namaya, dimana tempat tinggal nya dan lain-lain sampai akhirnya aku menemukan kunci ku dan semua sampah terkumpul di tempat sampah. Setelah selesai, aku berkata, “ makasih y dek dah bantu.. yuk pulang..”
Anak itu menjawab, “iya mbak..”(dengan senyum malu-malu).
Kejadian itu membuatku sadar bahwa untuk menocontohkan hal yang baik pada seseorang, kita tidak harus menjadi diri kita sendiri. Hal spontanitas yang kita perbuat pada saat dalam kondisi yang kurang baik(sperti tadi), juga bisa menjadi contoh bagi orang lain. Mungkin itu hanya filosofi ku semata. Tapi itu terjadi pada diriku.