The Queer Story of My Name
Hi? My name is Helen Marta Sari. People call me Helen. What do you think about my beautiful name? It is like bule’s (foreigner) name, right? Yeah, some people think like that. I often laughed, if I remembered the great reason why my parents gave me this name. I always felt that the reason was so queer and had no quality. My parents gave me a name spontanly in the hospital, after I was born in this world. The history happened in March 15th, 1992, when my mother was being pregnant.
At 22.00 p.m., mother who was being pregnant, felt stomachache. She felt that her baby, that was me, would be born. My father became didn’t concentrate because he was panic. Then, He searched his helmet because they would go by motorcycle.
But, my mother screamed loudly and said “what are you doing? Why are you looking for the helmet? Let’s go to the hospital!”. “But if we don’t use helmet, we will be under arrest by police, mom!” my father answered. My mother shouted “I don’t care about police!! I care about my baby.. Let’s go!”.
Finally, my father found the helmets and they went to the hospital. After arrived to the hospital, my father became panic until he forgot to open his helmet. He didn’t aware about it. Next, in delivery room, my mother screamed and my father screamed too. He stood beside my mother to give spirit and he still wore his helmet. Then, a cute baby was born. That was me. I was born hardly with extra energy by my mother. After I was born, I didn’t cry. Then, my father brought me and he looked at me.
“Oh my beautiful baby, you look so cute.. why you don’t cry? Come on sweety, please cry loudly!” said my father. He tried to make me crying by shaked my little body. Because he didn’t carefully about what he did, my father’s helmet bumped my head and I cried. “Oh..My baby you like your father’s helmet.”my mother said slowly. “Yeah, you like this helmet. Mom? Would you mind if I give her name, Helen? Because she likes helem.” my father said. “OK! It’s an interesting name!” said my mother with enthusiasm.
See? That is the queer story about my beautiful name. It is foolish. But I like it. Although my name’s story is so queer, I’m not angry with my parents actually my father who banged up me with his helmet. I love my name because there is a story behind it and my name is an interesting name.
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ombak dahsyat pendebur pantai,tlah membawa pasir yang pasrah, terhanyut dalam lautan..
menyeret sang pasir dalam dunia tanta oksigen..
memisahkan sang pasir dari pantai sejati nya..
memungkinkan sang pasir bercengkrama dengan pantai lain..
tapi, bagaimana dengan sang pantai sejati?
sang pantai yang terus menunggu kembalinya sang pasir..
pantai yang tak rela melupakan pasia nya..
akankah sang pasir berusaha kembali pada pantai sejatinya?? ataukah sang pasir akan berpindah kepeda cinta sejati palsunya??